Building Static Site with Modern Tools (No React, Vue, etc)Static Web Page refers to the web page (HTML, CSS, JS) that is the same between the server and browser. There is almost no business logic…Aug 30Aug 30
Productivity in Line, Bell & SPACEProductivity matter is an awkward problem in software development.Aug 28Aug 28
ORMHate and Code Generation with GolangORM is a handy tool to assist engineers in developing data-related functions but some may have doubt. The favor to use ORM is always…Jul 18Jul 18
Overwrite Returned Error and Other Tips in GoSimplicity in Go offers the “errors are values” concept, which makes someone who is only used to try ... catchslightly nervous. Here are…Jun 27Jun 27
Staff EngineerNot all software companies have a “Staff Engineer” title but typically we will see the ladder like this: Engineer I, Engineer II, Sr…Jun 10Jun 10
Definition of Ready for Development SanityWe should see the development cycle (sprint) as a sacred place where not everyone can easily get in or out. People must fulfill the…Jul 31, 2023Jul 31, 2023
Manage Bloated Postgres DatabaseBloated database harm query performance, unnecessary infra cost, and hinder development.Jul 5, 2023Jul 5, 2023
Simple HelpDesk using Google Forms and Apps ScriptWe can easily create a form/survey using Google Forms including setup the HelpDesk Form (to report issues or ask for support).Apr 2, 2023Apr 2, 2023
DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) can Go WrongDon’t repeat doesn’t mean repeat for typing but repeat for thinking. If the two similar codes serve different purposes/concerns, then it is…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Premature Optimization is Not (always) the Root of All EvilWe should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022