Dunning-Krugger Effect & Imposter Syndrom

Iman Tung
Aug 6, 2022


We are constantly in a work-and-learn situation. The more we learn, the easier we should be at work. With continued work, we can’t stop learning.

How good are we? TBH it is not important at all.

Good or bad, we keep working and learning (there is no escape). Our competency is built by continuous efforts from both.

Failures to understand our own competency can lead to cognitive biases called Dunning-Krugger Effect and Imposter Syndrome.

  • Dunning-Krugger Effect: over-confident or too humble
  • Imposter Syndrom: denied our actual competency



Iman Tung
Iman Tung

Written by Iman Tung

Technology to write, life to grateful. Overthinking is good, only if it has the output. Fundamental is the main concern.

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